Editors, IDEs, *
Editors and IDEs
- CommaIDE: designed specifically for Raku. Community edition available for free, additional features and more regular updates through paid Supporter Program.
- Atom:
- Raku syntax highlighter, a plugin that provides Raku highlighting. Follow the instructions in the package readme.
- Raku script runner
- See here how to configure both the above plugins, as well as others, to turn Atom into a Raku IDE. Works with the syntax highlighter listed above. Can run Raku code from the screen buffer, selection, or a file.
- Raku Editor Tools, an Atom plugin that provides a collection of useful Raku editing tools (may not be compatible with the latest Atom).
- Vim: Raku syntax highlighting for better highlighting
- Neovim: vim-perl6 plugin for better highlighting
- Emacs:
- raku-mode, an Emacs major mode for Raku which provides syntax highlighting (and more)
- flymake-rakudo, makes Flymake syntax-check Raku code.
- flycheck-raku, makes Flycheck syntax-check Raku code.
- Unified Raku + Perl + Moose/MooseX::Declare syntax highlighting
- Spacemacs: Emacs wrapper with vim key-bindings and with extra stuff
- Doom Emacs: Emacs wrapper with vim key-bindings and with extra stuff
- Nano: Raku syntax highlighting
- Padre, the Perl IDE: Padre::Plugin::Perl6, Raku highlighting and code execution
- CudaText: Raku lexer is present in Addon Manager
- Inline::Perl6, embedding Raku code in Perl